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Peer-Reviewed Publications

*undergraduate student mentored ^co-first authorship

11. Thompson, M.N., Z.P. Cohen, D. Merrell*, and A.M. Helms (2024) Eco-evolutionary factors contribute to chemodiversity in aboveground and belowground cucurbit herbivore-induced plant volatiles. Plant Biology.

10. Thompson, M.N. ^, J. Arriaga*^, J. Bradford*^, R. Kurian*^, G. Strozier*^, and A.M. Helms (2023) Belowground insect herbivory induces systemic volatile emissions that strengthen neighboring plant resistance aboveground. Plant, Cell & Environment

9. Thompson, M.N., J.M. Grunseich, L.O. Marmolejo*, N.M. Aguirre, P.A. Bradicich, S.T. Behmer,  C.P.-C. Suh, and A.M. Helms (2022) Undercover operation: Belowground insect herbivory modifies systemic plant defense and repels aboveground foraging insect herbivores. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

8. Thompson, M.N., R.F. Medina, A.M. Helms, and J.S. Bernal (2022) Improving natural enemy selection in biological control through greater attention to chemical ecology and host-associated differentiation of target arthropod pests. Insects.

7. Marmolejo, L.O.*, M.N. Thompson, and A.M. Helms (2021) Defense suppression through interplant communication depends on the attacking herbivore species. Journal of Chemical Ecology.

6. Grunseich, J.M., N.M. Aguirre, M.N. Thompson, J.G. Ali, and A.M. Helms (2021) Chemical cues from entomopathogenic nematodes vary across three species with different foraging strategies, triggering different behavioral responses in prey and competitors. Journal of Chemical Ecology.

5. Thompson, M.N., and W.O. Lamp (2021) Herbivory enhances legume-rhizobia symbioses function, increasing aboveground allocation of biologically fixed nitrogen, but only in soils without additional nitrate. Plant and Soil.

4. Eyer, P.A., P.T. Shults, M.R. Chura, M.N. Moran, M.N. Thompson, A.M. Helms, R.K. Saran, and E.L. Vargo (2021) Divide and conquer: Multicolonial structure, nestmate recognition, and antagonistic behaviors in dense populations of the invasive ant Brachymyrmex patagonicus. Ecology and Evolution.

3. Bernaola, L., M. Darlington, K. Britt, P. Prade, M. Roth, A. Pekarcik, M. Boone, D. Ricke, A. Tran, J. King, K. Carruthers, M. Thompson, J.J. Ternest, S.E. Anderson, S.W. Gula, K.C. Hauri, J.R. Pecenka, S. Grover, H. Puri, and S. G. Vakil (2021) Technological advances to address current issues in entomology: 2020 Student Debates. Journal of Insect Science.

2. Grunseich, J.M., M.N. Thompson, A.A. Hay, Z. Gorman, M.V. Kolomiets, M.D. Eubanks, and A.M. Helms (2020) Risky roots and careful herbivores: Sustained herbivory by a root‐feeding herbivore attenuates indirect plant defences. Functional Ecology.

1. Grunseich, J.M.^, M.N. Thompson^, N. Aguirre, and A.M. Helms (2019) The role of plant-associated microbes in mediating insect herbivore foraging behavior. Plants.


Forthcoming Manuscripts

Under review. Thompson, M.N., E.M. Russavage, J.G. Garces*, B.J. Bradford*, D. Merrell*, C.P.-C. Suh and A.M. Helms. Cucurbit plant defenses against aboveground or belowground insect herbivores are distinct and shaped by eco-evolutionary factors. (for Basic and Applied Ecology)

Under review. Oliveira, S.P., N.M. Aguirre, M.N. Thompson, J.M. Grunseich, D.C. Weber, M.G.V. Peñaflor, and A.M. Helms. Simultaneous exposure to herbivore aggregation pheromone and herbivore-induced plant volatiles strengthens plant defense priming. (for Plant, Cell & Environment)

Under review. Russavage, E.M., A.M. Helms, M.N. Thompson, A. Szczepaniec, W.L. Rooney, D.L. Kerns, and M.D. Eubanks. Indirect plant defense provides economically important pest suppression in sorghum. (for Pest Management Science)

In prep. Thompson, M.N., J. Arriaga*, C.P.-C. Suh, L.C. Perkin, and A.M. Helms. Crop rotation and insect herbivory alter plant-associated microbiota and enhance plant antiherbivore resistance. (for Microbiome)  

In prep. Thompson, M.N., J. Arriaga*, B.J. Bradford*, R. Kurian*, G. Strozier*, and A.M. Helms. Plant exposure to systemic herbivore-induced plant volatiles influences insect oviposition preference. (for Ecological Entomology)

In prep. Thompson, M.N., D.W. Bapst, S.T. Behmer, M.V. Kolomiets, M.D. Eubanks and A.M. Helms. Systemic plant responses induced by aboveground or belowground invertebrate herbivory: a meta-analysis. (for Ecology Letters)

Non-Peer Reviewed/Extension Publications 

3. King, J., M. Thompson, and J. Martin. (2022) The mothers of entomological history: Reflecting on who we honor and how we do it. Entomology Today.

2. Thompson, M.N., and W.O. Lamp (2019) Can aboveground pest pressure disrupt nitrogen fixation in alfalfa? Maryland Agronomy News.

1. Thompson, M.N., and W.O. Lamp (2017) Pest alert: Kudzu bugs found on Maryland soybeans. Agronomy News.

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